Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Research and Innovation in Higher Education (JRIHE)

Research-based learning in higher education: MARIHE case study

Nato Japiashvili
Student Success Developer, Budapest Metropolitan University, Hungary

Published 2023-06-22


  • research,
  • research-teaching nexus,
  • research-based learning,
  • higher education

How to Cite

Japiashvili, N. (2023). Research-based learning in higher education: MARIHE case study. Journal of Research and Innovation in Higher Education, 4(1), 50–72. Retrieved from https://rihe-journal.com/index.php/rihe/article/view/33


Research-based learning (RBL) is a student-centred approach that has become increasingly important in modern society and holds a crucial role in raising independent scientists. The study aims to review the literature around RBL, tendencies and analysis and its transformation from the research-teaching nexus towards more learner-oriented practice. This concept will be interpreted with the case study of the MARIHE program. The data were analysed with a qualitative research methodology – semi-structured in-depth interviews and document analysis. Six graduates and the head of the program were interviewed about their perception, challenges, performance and aim towards MARIHE. Analysis showed that the aim of creating such kind of program was caused by the increased interest and essential changes in the field, also to develop an international outlook with different perspectives towards higher education. For the graduates, this was an experience for strengthening their practical experience with theories and narrowing down the field of interest for further research activities. The curriculum structure includes various types of learning and teaching methods, one of which is RBL. The question to ask was whether MARIHE is an entirely Research-based oriented program or only contains some aspects of RBL that are supported through different formal and informal activities during and after studying the program.


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