Peer Review Process


JRIHE review process includes 10 stages:

1. The author(s) are required to submit a complete and edited manuscript (see the Author's Guildines). The manuscript should not contain any personal information about the author(s). It is the responsibility of the author(s) to anonymize the main manuscript text.

2. Separately from the manuscript, the author(s) must submit a title page containing the title of the manuscript, all authors' names, contact information, and affiliations, as well as the clear indication of who the corresponding author is. Each author's contact information should include their email address and ORCID number, as well as a brief biography (100-150 words).  

3. Upon submission, the Editorial team will determine whether the manuscript will be sent for double blind peer review or rejected (desk reject). Insufficiently high quality papers and those that do not meet the aims and scope of the journal are immediately rejected.

4. If the paper is selected for review, external peer reviewers will be assigned.

5. Reviewers will deliver their reviews in the next stage. In light of the reviewer's suggestions, the paper may either be rejected, requested to be revised (major or minor revisions) or, in very rare cases, accepted without modification.

6. In the case of minor revisions, a second review will not be necessary. The paper will be published as soon as the requested minor changes have been made.

7. Major revisions will require the author(s) to make additional changes and resubmit the manuscript for a second review.

8. The paper will be published if the second review is positive. In the event that the second review is negative, the paper will be rejected.

9. Final manuscripts should be submitted in the Word (.docx) format.

10. Once the final copy-editing phase has been completed by the editors, the paper is ready for online publication. There will be an opportunity for authors to take a final look at their manuscripts before publication and pinpoint any small errors or inconsistencies that need to be amended.